Today is my Birthday! For nearly 40 years I was uncomfortable celebrating it. Somewhere deep down I felt I am bot worth such a thing, it is not important etc. I was looking for my worth and love outside. ALWAYS felt not good enough. Through the last year I have done tremendous work and self-relflecting. I have cut many activities to clear my mind and soul. I got back to my roots. Today I realized I am back home. Home as my heart. I love myself more than ever. I have set the boundaries. I am exactly where I want to be. I hope this little talisman will remind you that you MATTER. You are worth everything what’s best! You deserve love and care.
A small heart with a self-hug.
Made in sterling silver.
Surrounded with the Universe.
Hangs from 18” sterling silver chain.
Ships in 7 days.
Love to you all!
Yours Mag